Holy Mary Magdalene, pray for us,
That we may journey with faith and determination
On the path of holiness and God's love.
Day 1 :
Introduction to Saint Mary Magdalene: O Saint Mary Magdalene, faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, we turn to you with hope and trust. Intercede for us with the Lord and guide us in our quest for conversion and redemption.
Day 2:
The Conversion: Holy Mary Magdalene, you who have been transformed by the love and mercy of Jesus, help us to acknowledge our faults and sincerely seek the conversion of our hearts.
Day 3:
Fidelity: O Saint Mary Magdalene, model of fidelity and devotion, inspire us to remain firm in our faith, even in difficult times, and to persevere in prayer and meditation on the Word of God.
Day 4:
Love: Saint Mary Magdalene, you who loved Jesus with a deep and sincere love, help us to love God with all our heart, soul and strength, and to manifest this love through our actions and relationships.
Day 5:
Penance: O St Mary Magdalene, model of penitence and contrition, guide us on the path of interior conversion, help us to recognise our sins and to seek the grace of forgiveness through the sacrament of reconciliation.
Day 6:
Compassion: Holy Mary Magdalene, you who witnessed Jesus' suffering on the Cross, inspire us to have compassion for those who suffer and to work for justice, peace and reconciliation in our world.
Day 7:
The Mission: O Holy Mary Magdalene, apostle of the Resurrection, help us to proclaim the good news of Christ's Resurrection with boldness and courage, and to bear witness to His infinite mercy through our words and actions.
Day 8:
Contemplation: Saint Mary Magdalene, woman of prayer and contemplation, teach us to find moments of silence and recollection to listen to God's voice and to deepen our intimate relationship with Him.
Day 9:
The Intercession of Saint Mary Magdalene: O Glorious Saint Mary Magdalene, you who have been a powerful intercessor with God for so many, pray for us. Intercede with the Lord that He may answer our prayers and supplications, and help us to live according to His will every day of our lives.