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Novena prayer to Saint Paul

article published on 04/02/2025 in the category : Prayer

May this novena to Saint Paul help you deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your faith and follow the example of dedication and holiness of the apostle of the nations. Amen.

First day:

Theme: Conversion

Prayer: Saint Paul, intercede for us that we may experience a deep conversion of heart, acknowledging our faults and turning to God with sincerity.

Second day:

Theme: Faith

Prayer: Saint Paul, strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, guide us along the path of truth, and help us to persevere in our commitment to the Gospel.

Third Day:

Theme: Apostolic Zeal

Prayer: Inspire us with your passion for evangelisation, give us the courage to bear witness to our faith and proclaim the Good News to all who cross our path.

Fourth day:

Theme: Patience

Prayer: Saint Paul, teach us patience in trials and tribulations, helping us to stand firm in the faith and accept God's will with confidence.

Fifth day:

Topic: Charity

Prayer: Grant us, Saint Paul, a heart filled with charity, to love our neighbour as ourselves and to serve others with generosity and compassion.

Sixth day:

Topic: Hope

Prayer: Saint Paul, strengthen our hope in the promise of eternal life, guide us to the joy of Heaven and help us to live in hope of heavenly goods.

Day Seven:

Theme: Perseverance

Prayer: Saint Paul, help us to persevere in prayer, in the practice of the Christian virtues and in our commitment to God, despite obstacles and temptations.

Eighth day:

Theme: Humility

Prayer: Saint Paul, model of humility, help us to recognise our dependence on God, to humble ourselves before Him and to serve our brothers and sisters with humility.

Ninth day:

Theme: Protection and intercession

Prayer: Saint Paul, powerful intercessor, protect us from evil, dangers and the trials of life. Intercede for us with God, that we may obtain the graces necessary to live a holy life faithful to the Gospel.

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