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Life of Saint Justine, Martyr for her Faith

article published on 13/11/2024 in the category : Life of the Saints

Birth of Saint Justine: 

St. Justine is thought to have lived in the early fourth century, although the exact dates of her birth and life are uncertain. It is generally believed that she was born in Antioch, a city of the Roman Empire located in present-day Turkey.

Conversion to Christianity: 

Justine was a young pagan woman, but was converted to Christianity by Christian missionaries. She is said to have been deeply impressed by the Christian faith and decided to devote her life to God.


Justina is said to have been arrested for her Christian faith during the persecution of the emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century. She is said to have undergone many trials and tortures to renounce her faith, but she refused to do so. In the end, she was beheaded for her Christian faith, making her a martyr of the Church.

Legends and worship: 

The life of Saint Justine is surrounded by legends, one of which tells of her defeating a dragon that was terrorising a town. This legend contributed to her fame as a patron saint against the forces of evil. She is also venerated as the patron saint of students, lawyers and people with sore throats.

The life of Saint Justine illustrates the courage and determination of the early Christians who were persecuted for their faith. She is celebrated in the Catholic Church on 6 October and in other Christian traditions as a martyr and patron saint.

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