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History of the Saint Benedict medal

article published on 30/01/2025 in the category : Life of the Saints

The Saint Benedict medal, also known as the Saint Benedict cross, is an important religious object in the Catholic tradition. It takes its name from Saint Benedict of Nursia, a sixth-century Christian monk considered to be the founder of the Benedictine order and one of the most influential saints in the history of the Catholic Church. The history of this medal is rich in legends and stories of miracles, which give it a special significance for many of the faithful.

The origin of the Saint Benedict medal dates back to the 7th century, shortly after the death of Saint Benedict. According to legend, a monk named Andrew told of being visited by Saint Benedict himself. Saint Benedict showed him a gold cross with Latin inscriptions, and told him that anyone who wore the cross would be protected from the devil's attacks. He is also said to have promised that whoever carried this cross with faith would be protected from storms, fire and drowning.

This cross, according to tradition, had several symbols and inscriptions. At the centre of the cross is an image of Saint Benedict himself. Around him are inscribed the words "Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti" ("Cross of the Holy Father Benedict"). On the vertical side of the cross are the letters "C S S M L", which stand for "Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux" ("May the Holy Cross be my light"), while on the horizontal side are the words "N D S M D", which stand for "Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux" ("May the dragon not be my guide"). The letters above and below the cross, "PAX" and "VRS", are abbreviations of the Latin words "Pax" ("Peace") and "Vade Retro Satana" ("Withdraw, Satan"). These inscriptions are supposed to symbolise divine protection against the forces of evil.

Over the centuries, the Saint Benedict medal has become increasingly popular among the Catholic faithful, who regard it as a powerful symbol of spiritual protection. Numerous accounts of miracles and intercessions attributed to the Saint Benedict medal have been reported over the years. Some devotees claim to have been protected from serious accidents or illness after wearing the medal and praying with faith. Others report experiences where the medal helped them overcome difficult trials or temptations.

One of the most famous stories associated with the Saint Benedict medal is that of Metten Abbey in Germany in the 17th century. The abbey was threatened by a violent fire, but the monks prayed devoutly while wearing the Saint Benedict medal, and miraculously the fire bypassed the abbey without causing any damage. This event is said to have helped spread the medal's reputation as a powerful talisman of protection against disasters.

Over the centuries, the Saint Benedict medal has become an important part of Catholic spirituality, often worn by the faithful as an expression of their faith and trust in divine protection. It is also associated with the fight against evil and temptation, and many exorcists and priests recommend it to help ward off demonic influences.

Today, the Saint Benedict medal is widely available in churches and religious shops around the world. It is often worn around the neck, attached to a bracelet or kept in a purse or handbag. For many Catholics, it represents a powerful link with Saint Benedict and a source of comfort and protection in times of need. Whether through stories of miracles or the personal experiences of the faithful, the medal of Saint Benedict continues to inspire faith and devotion across generations.


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