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Holy Saturday in the Catholic religion

article published on 16/01/2025 in the category : Religious News

Holy Saturday, also known as Holy Week Saturday or Holy Saturday, is a day of reflection and waiting in the Christian tradition. Situated between Good Friday, when Jesus' crucifixion is commemorated, and Easter Sunday, which celebrates his resurrection, Holy Saturday is often considered a time of silence and deep meditation.

The biblical account of Holy Saturday is marked by Jesus resting in the tomb after his crucifixion. The Gospels record that Jesus' body was placed in a tomb, and that a large stone was rolled in front of the entrance to the tomb. This day is therefore often associated with a sense of desolation and mourning for Jesus' disciples, who had to face his death and their own uncertainty about the future.

Holy Saturday, however, is not simply a day of mourning, but also a day of deep anticipation. According to Christian tradition, it was during this time that Jesus performed a mysterious work: his descent into hell, or "descent into Hades", to free the souls of the righteous who had died before his coming. This belief is based on biblical passages such as 1 Peter 3:18-19 and Ephesians 4:8-10, which suggest that Jesus descended into hell to conquer death and pave the way for the resurrection.

For Christians, Holy Saturday is a day of watching and waiting in the hope of the resurrection. It is a time to meditate on the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection, as well as the mystery of salvation offered through his life, death and resurrection. The faithful are encouraged to follow the example of the first disciples by remaining faithful to their faith even in times of darkness and uncertainty.

Liturgically, Holy Saturday is often marked by a liturgy of light that symbolises the passage from darkness to light, from death to life. This celebration usually begins with the church plunged into darkness, symbolising the death of Jesus and the silence of the tomb. Then a light is switched on to represent Jesus' resurrection and victory over death.

In some Christian traditions, Holy Saturday is also associated with baptisms and Christian initiations, symbolising the passage from the darkness of sin to the light of grace and redemption.

In summary, Holy Saturday is a day of deep reflection and expectation in the Christian tradition. It is a time to meditate on the mystery of Jesus' death and resurrection, and to prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter.

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