Sainte Colette, also known as Nicole de Corbie, is an emblematic figure of Franciscan spirituality and a patron saint venerated by many infertile couples. Her life is marked by deep religious devotion, miracles attributed to her intercession and a commitment to helping people in difficulty.
Born in 1381 in Corbie, northern France, Colette grew up in a context marked by the turmoil of the Hundred Years' War and a profound spiritual crisis within the Church. From an early age, she showed great piety and an ardent desire to devote her life to God.
At the age of eighteen, Colette entered the Poor Clare monastery at Corbie, where she devoted herself to prayer, penance and serving the needy. Inspired by the life of Saint Francis of Assisi and the ideal of evangelical poverty, she aspired to greater radicalism in her religious life and a return to the sources of the Franciscan rule.
In 1402, Colette received a mystical vision in which she was called to reform the order of Poor Clares and restore its primitive observance. Driven by a deep apostolic zeal, she embarked on a missionary journey across France to spread her message of spiritual renewal and to found new convents according to the rule of St Clare and St Francis.
Colette's reform quickly met with great success, attracting many vocations and winning the admiration of the ecclesiastical authorities. As a result, she founded numerous monasteries of reformed Poor Clares, some of which became centres of spiritual influence and places of pilgrimage.
In addition to her reforming work within the Order of Poor Clares, Colette is also known for the many miracles attributed to her. In particular, she is said to have obtained numerous miraculous cures and spectacular conversions through her prayer and intercession with God.
Among the most famous graces attributed to Saint Colette is her ability to obtain children for infertile couples. Many faithful have invoked her help in their desire to have children, and some have reported miraculous answers to their prayers through her intercession.
A devotion to Saint Colette as patron saint of infertile couples has thus grown over the centuries, attracting many faithful in search of hope and comfort in their ordeal of infertility. Her exemplary life of holiness and miracles inspired confidence and faith in those who entrusted their deepest prayers and desires to her.
Saint Colette died on 6 March 1447 in Ghent, Belgium, leaving behind her a rich spiritual legacy and a reputation for holiness that endures to this day. Canonised in 1807 by Pope Pius VII, she is venerated today as one of the great figures of Franciscan spirituality and as a model of devotion and intercession for all those in need. May her example of faith and trust in God inspire us in our own trials and encourage us to persevere in prayer and hope.