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The fasting of Jesus in the Bible

article published on 16/12/2024 in the category : Religious News

The fasting of Jesus, as described in the Bible, is a significant episode that took place at the beginning of his public ministry. This account is found mainly in the Synoptic Gospels, particularly in the books of Matthew (4:1-11), Mark (1:12-13) and Luke (4:1-13).

Jesus' fast took place just after his baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan. Matthew (4:1-2, Louis Segond Bible) records, "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After he had fasted for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry."

This forty-day fast of Jesus in the desert is often compared to the forty years the Israelites wandered in the desert. This highlights the parallel between Jesus, the new spiritual leader, and Israel as God's people.

The episode of Jesus' fast is followed by a series of temptations by Satan. Satan tempts Jesus in three different ways, seeking to exploit his physical hunger, his trust in God and his desire for power. To each temptation, Jesus responds with words from Scripture, affirming his total dependence on God.

Jesus' fast has several symbolic meanings. Firstly, it underlines Jesus' preparation for his public ministry. The desert represents a place of withdrawal, solitude and intense spiritual searching. During this time, Jesus prepared himself mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the challenges ahead.

Secondly, Jesus' fast demonstrates his total dependence on God. By abstaining from food for forty days, Jesus shows that he is prepared to give up immediate physical needs in order to follow the divine will. His response to temptations also highlights his unshakeable trust in God.

Thirdly, Jesus' fasting serves as an example for Christian disciples. Jesus later teaches about fasting, emphasising that it should be done with the correct inner attitude and not to show it off to others (Matthew 6:16-18). Fasting, for Jesus, is not just an outward act, but a deep spiritual discipline.

Finally, Jesus' fast anticipates the ultimate sacrifice of his life on the cross. By renouncing his own physical needs, Jesus demonstrates his willingness to sacrifice everything in order to fulfil God's will and bring salvation to humanity.

In summary, Jesus' fast in the Bible, an episode of forty days in the desert followed by temptations by Satan, represents a period of preparation, of total dependence on God, an example for the disciples and an anticipation of the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. It is a profoundly significant moment that lays the foundations for his public ministry and his redemptive role.

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