Prayer to Saint John Bosco
O Saint John Bosco, loving father and spiritual guide, we turn to you with humble trust, grateful for the light of your life that has illuminated the path of so many souls. You who dedicated your life to young people, we ask you to look kindly on each of us, on our families and on all those who seek direction in their lives.
Saint John Bosco, a man of unshakeable faith, you showed the world how trust in God can transform lives. Help us to cultivate this faith, to strengthen our trust in divine providence, even in times of doubt and difficulty. May our hearts be open to God's grace, as yours was, and may we live each day with the assurance of God's presence at our side.
You who had the vision of the two columns, symbols of the Virgin Mary, guide us to the refuge of her immaculate heart. Teach us to recognise Mary as our Mother and Protector, a source of consolation and help in our times of need. May her gentle intercession accompany us throughout our earthly pilgrimage.
Saint John Bosco, you dedicated your life to the education and formation of young people, inspiring future generations to reach their full potential. We ask you to bless all educators, teachers and formators, that they may follow your example of love, patience and dedication. May every young person find a role model in you and discover the beauty of the Christian life.
Don Bosco, model of charity in action, you who loved abandoned and marginalised young people, inspire us to see Christ in every person we meet. May we be instruments of mercy and charity, bringing the light of God's love where the darkness of distress reigns.
Saint John Bosco, you who founded the Society of Saint Francis de Sales and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, intercede for all the members of these institutions, that they may continue to spread God's love throughout the world. May their commitment to education and charity be a source of blessing for all humanity.
O Don Bosco, man of fervent prayer, teach us to adore the Blessed Sacrament with the same devotion as you did. May our prayer life bring us closer to Jesus in the Eucharist, and may we draw from this divine source the strength we need to overcome life's trials.
Saint John Bosco, model of patience, prudence and hope, intercede for us so that we may follow your example in our daily walk towards holiness. May we be imbued with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, discerning God's will in every situation.
Don Bosco, we entrust to you our particular intentions... (mention your intentions here).
O Saint John Bosco, you who left a legacy of holiness, intercede for us that we may live lives that glorify God. May we be sustained by your powerful intercession, and, guided by your example, may we one day join the great communion of saints in heavenly glory. Amen.