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Novena Prayer to the 7 Archangels

article published on 31/10/2024 in the category : Prayer


Archangel Michael, head of the heavenly hosts, we entrust this novena to you. Protect us from all evil and guide us on the path of justice and holiness. Archangel Michael, intercede for us.


Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God, help us to listen to God's voice in our lives and respond with obedient faith. May your wisdom guide us in our spiritual walk. Archangel Gabriel, intercede for us.


Archangel Raphael, divine healer, we pray to you for our physical and spiritual health. Bring us the healing and consolation we need. Archangel Raphael, intercede for us.


Archangel Uriel, angel of wisdom, illumine our minds with the light of God. Help us to understand spiritual truths and grow in the knowledge of God. Archangel Uriel, intercede for us.


Archangel Seraphim, angel of divine fire, purify our hearts and intentions. May our love for God always burn ardently, and may we offer Him worthy worship. Archangel Seraphiel, intercede for us.


Archangel Jegudiel, guardian of prayer and work, we pray to you for our daily activities. Bless our efforts and help us to offer our work to God with humility and gratitude. Archangel Jegudiel, intercede for us.


Archangel Barachiel, dispenser of blessings, we entrust all our intentions and needs to you. May your prayers obtain for us the graces we need to live according to God's will. Archangel Barachiel, intercede for us.


Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Seraphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel, we thank you for your intercession and protection. Continue to watch over us and guide us in our Christian life. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


God the Father, in union with the Divine Mother, may Your power bring down the help of the Angels to defend us from the attacks of evil in order to prepare Your victory through us, Your children marked with the royal seal of the Spirit of Love. Amen

Holy Archangels, pray for us and intercede with God for all our intentions. Amen.

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