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Religious items from the sanctuary of Lourdes.

Life of the Saints


Life of Saint Juan Diego, seer of Mexico

The life of Saint Juan Diego, a humble native of Mexico, is marked by an extraordinary event that had a significant impact on the religious and cultural history of Latin America. Born in 1474 in the village of Cuauhtitlán, near Mexico City, Juan Diego grew up in a context where indigenous beliefs mingled with the burgeoning influence of Christianity. Read more...

Life of Saint Ambrose, known as Ambrose of Milan

Saint Ambrose, also known as Ambrose of Milan, was one of the most eminent figures of the Church in the fourth century. Born around 340 AD in Trier, in what is now Germany, Ambrose came from a high-ranking family. His father was prefect of the Gauls, which ensured him a rich education and an enviable social position. Read more...

Life of Saint Nicholas of Myre, legends and miracles

The life of Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as Saint Nicholas, is surrounded by legends and miracles that have forged his popular image as a generous benefactor and protector of children. Saint Nicholas was born around 270 AD in Patara, a town in the region of Lycia, which is now part of modern Turkey. Read more...

Life of Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of India and Japan

Saint Francis Xavier, born in 1506 in the Kingdom of Navarre (now Spain), was one of the most eminent figures of the early Society of Jesus and one of the most influential Christian missionaries of the 16th century. His extraordinary life was marked by a passionate dedication to evangelisation and a tireless quest to spread the Christian faith in Asia. Read more...

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